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🇫🇷 CTHULHU NIGHT ! Merci à Raph et à Petersen Games pour cette soirée et cette ambiance mémorable ! 😎🇬🇧 CTHULHU NIGHT ! Thanks to Raph and Petersen Games for this evening and this memorable atmosphere ! 😎....#CthulhuWars #boardgames #tabletop #gamenight #boardgame #tabletopgames #bgg #brettspiel #jeuxdesociete #j2s #fashion #art #lovecraft #cthulhu #metz #Nancy
🇫🇷 MAKING-OF !Première version du prototype d'un des 3 projets GOTT Games à venir ! 😎🇬🇧 MAKING-OF !First version of the prototype of one of the 3 upcoming GOTT Games projects ! 😎....#boardgames #tabletop #gamenight #boardgame #tabletopgames #bgg #brettspiel #jeuxdesociete #j2s #fashion #art #lovecraft #cthulhu #metz #makingof #Prototype
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🇫🇷 Pretty Women maintenant sur KickStarter !🇬🇧 Pretty Women NOW on Kickstarter ! Women is a tabletop game for 2-6 players, you play as a rich and famous Art Dealer, in love with Photography and Sensuality !A TOTALLY UNIQUE GAME IN YOUR COLLECTION ! 😎✅ "Early Bird" price is 22€ if you order it the first days !
A tabletop game, for 2-6 players, taking place in the universe of Art Dealers. Including sensual art photos from 4 real artists !